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Kansas Health Consortium receives national SHAPE America award


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SHAPE America President Dolly Lambdin, Ed.D., awarded the Kansas Health Consortium the Presidential Citation for Meritorious Service from SHAPE America — Society of Health and Physical Educators at its 130th National Convention & Expo in Seattle, March 17-21.

Three organizations make up the Kansas Health Consortium: the Kansas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (KAHPERD); Kansas Health Foundation; and Kansas State Department of Education. The group was recognized on Thursday, March 19 during the Professional Excellence Awards Ceremony.

“As a result of the collaborative efforts and combined vision of these three organizations, the students of Kansas have benefited from healthier school environments, including increased student physical activity before, during and after school,” says Lambdin.

KAHPERD has played a critical role in the communication and recruitment efforts of Let’s Move in Kansas Schools, which later developed into Let’s Move! Active Kansas Schools. The Kansas Health Foundation provided not only the financial support for the projects through sizable grants, but also fostered an environment of creative thinking that allowed for the creation of unique programs. Finally, the Kansas State Department of Education served as the conduit between the Kansas Health Foundation and physical educators across the state, providing oversight for scheduling, budgeting and recruiting for trainings.

“Thanks to the Kansas Health Consortium, Let’s Move in Kansas Schools and now Let’s Move! Active Kansas Schools has set the model for the rest of the country,” continued Lambdin.

Accepting the honor for the Kansas Health Consortium was: KAHPERD President Wendy Scholten; Carolyn Williams, senior program officer of Kansas Health Foundation; and Mark Thompson from the Kansas State Department of Education.

About SHAPE America

SHAPE America — Society of Health and Physical Educators is committed to ensuring all children have the opportunity to lead healthy, physically active lives. As the nation’s largest membership organization of health and physical education professionals, SHAPE America works with its 50 state affiliates and national partners to support national initiatives such as the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, Let’s Move! Active Schools and the Jump Rope For Heart/Hoops For Heart programs.Since its founding in 1885, the organization has defined excellence in physical education, and our resources provide the leadership, professional development and advocacy that support health and physical educators at every level — from preschool to university graduate programs. For more information, visit www.shapeamerica.org.