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KHF to fund up to $2 million for clean drinking water grants


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WICHITA, KAN. – Drinking water is critical to prevent chronic disease, preserve and improve oral health, and for cognitive development in growing children. Yet, many communities struggle with access to clean, safe drinking water.

The Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) is accepting requests for proposals (RFPs) to fund organizations that will improve health outcomes by improving Kansans’ access to clean, safe drinking water. With the Improving Public Health Through Access to and Consumption of Water Initiative, KHF anticipates awarding up to $2 million.

“Water is essential to life and a healthy, prosperous Kansas,” said Jeff Willett, Kansas Health Foundation Vice President for Programs and Advocacy. “These grants will help organizations improve public health by making clean drinking water readily available to more Kansans.”

KHF anticipates funding a range of communication, advocacy, evaluation, and planning efforts that increase access to and consumption of clean drinking water in Kansas. Potential funding opportunities include:

  • Advocacy for water policies that improve public health and address inequities;
  • Efforts that improve access to clean drinking water where Kansans work, live, learn and play;
  • Data collection and research on public health impacts related to the access, promotion and consumption of water;
  • Local, regional and state water planning efforts that include public health as an outcome;
  • Communications and/or education campaigns that promote drinking water instead of sugary beverages.

Potential applicants are encouraged to participate in an informational webinar on Aug. 5 or Aug. 7. Organizations interested in applying are required to submit a letter of intent by 5 p.m. Aug. 18. Letters must be submitted online. Upon receipt of the letter of intent, KHF will provide a link to complete the online proposal, which is due by 5 p.m. Sept. 10.

About the Kansas Health Foundation

The Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) is a nonprofit organization based in Wichita but statewide in its focus. At KHF, all our work centers on our mission: to improve the health of all Kansans. As part of a new strategic framework, developed by our staff and board of directors, KHF also strives to accomplish three primary purposes: empower Kansas to lead the nation in health; eliminate the inequities that create health disparities; and, for KHF to become THE model for philanthropic impact.