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New research examines Kansans’ possible voting behavior in upcoming elections


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WICHITA, KAN. — A new survey from renowned pollster and trend analyst John Zogby breaks down the opinions of Kansans on state-level policy issues, federal political races and predicted voting behavior for the upcoming election cycle.

The data, which Zogby released during a speech at the Kansas Health Foundation Symposium, shows eight in 10 Kansans surveyed reporting they plan to vote in the upcoming election cycle for both national and local races.

In terms of opinions of specific state-level policies, the Zogby research utilized a “feeling thermometer” method, in which a response of “warm” indicates a positive or favorable opinion, while a “cold” response indicates a negative or unfavorable opinion. Findings include:

  • Three out of every five Kansans surveyed felt “cold” toward the performance of the Kansas government.
  • More than half of the Kansans surveyed felt “cold” toward the state’s ability to insure a quality education system.
  • Just under half of the Kansans surveyed felt “cold” toward the state’s ability to provide a safety net for its poor/low-income residents.

The poll also included questions regarding the upcoming national political races. In this section of the survey, nearly half of the Kansans surveyed responded they were “very dissatisfied” with the pool of presidential candidates.

When asked directly about a hypothetical presidential race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, those surveyed indicated a seven-point edge for Clinton at this time, with 21 percent still undecided.

In addition to the issue and candidate questions, the survey also examined the motivations and barriers to voter participation. This included asking respondents which single issue was most likely to have an impact on how they voted. On this question, one in five Kansans responded “education.”

Complete details and question responses are available upon request.


John Zogby Strategies conducted a random survey of 433 registered voters in Kansas. The poll was conducted from June 4th to June 6th and has a margin of error of ± 4.7% at a 95% confidence level. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The polls were conducted using automated telephone calls and cell phone response and weighted by anticipated voting demographics.


About John Zogby Strategies

John Zogby Strategies will help you navigate through our dramatically changing world. With more than four decades of experience measuring change and providing the analysis and strategies to help communities, agencies, companies giant and small, and governments 1) adjust to scarcer financial resources, new demographics, technologies that are game-changers, and 2) in understanding the numbers, John Zogby Strategies helps its clients navigate through a dramatically changing world.


About the Kansas Health Foundation

The Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) is a nonprofit organization based in Wichita but statewide in its focus. At KHF, all our work centers on our mission: to improve the health of all Kansans. As part of a new strategic framework, developed by our staff and board of directors, KHF also strives to accomplish three primary purposes: empower Kansas to lead the nation in health; eliminate the inequities that create health disparities; and, for KHF to become THE model for philanthropic impact.