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Holiday contribution helps ensure KPATA’s future impact

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At the Kansas Health Foundation (KHF), we believe every season is a season for learning. It’s why we support Kansas schools, teachers and students as they work through another school year.

Research shows that if children aren’t proficient in reading by fourth grade, they have a lower likelihood of graduating high school and greater potential of experiencing health and societal issues. We also recognize that children must start learning before they enter school to ensure they reach their full potential.

During last Thanksgiving and Christmas, we wanted to further this commitment by providing $50,000 to the Kansas Parents as Teachers Association (KPATA), a statewide organization supporting early childhood education programs through parent education. KPATA also provides opportunities for leadership, networking, training, research and information to build quality programs throughout Kansas.

“The generous donation from Kansas Health Foundation has allowed us to continue our operations and strategically plan for sustainability for our association,” said Callie Peace, KPATA executive director. “We have allocated the donation for the addition of a development consultant that will help KPATA create financial sustainability to continue the work we are doing in Kansas.”

This $50,000 grant was to highlight one of KHF’s priority funding areas with our annual holiday message. We also invited Kansans to join us in supporting early childhood education by donating to KPATA or to their local literacy program/school district.

This annual holiday contribution started in 2017 with $50,000 going to the three food banks covering Kansas – the Kansas Food Bank, Harvesters and Second Harvest – to help residents have access to healthy food all year long.

“During the holiday months we invite residents to share in the spirit of giving and to help their fellow Kansans,” said Steve Coen, KHF president and CEO. “We are honored to have this opportunity to help improve health and educational opportunities for our youngest Kansans.”