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Partnership with local elementary school a win-win

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For more than 15 years, the Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) has teamed with USD 259 Wichita Public Schools to support Woodland Health and Wellness Magnet. Through special activities and reading volunteers, KHF has provided funding and time to further the mission of this elementary school to not only educate kids in the classroom, but also teach them life skills about healthy eating and physical activity.

“Oftentimes, we only get to spend about an hour a week with some of the students, but it adds up to a lot of time to help them learn,” said Ashley Booker, KHF associate communication officer. “It’s heartwarming to work for an organization that supports us giving back of our time to help our community.”

In addition to regular volunteering, KHF also provides funding each year to ensure every student at Woodland is given a warm article of clothing just before winter break. Some years, that’s been a coat or rain jacket. In 2018, KHF provided hooded sweatshirts, featuring both the KHF and Woodland logos, to all the students.

“Since 2003, we’ve been able to provide these gifts to students, and it’s always wonderful to see the look on their faces,” said Valerie Black, KHF information technology officer. “It’s an honor to be able to make a difference in the lives of children in this way.”

The partnership has been beneficial for both KHF and the school, and Woodland leaders are quick to show their appreciation.

“(KHF) has been a great support of our building for many years,” said Patricia Brown, Woodland Elementary principal. “Whether it’s clothing for students or helping with our field trips, or just supporting our magnet team with health and wellness, it’s been an amazing partnership.”

To learn more about this partnership, please view the video above.