WICHITA, Kan. – On April 13, the Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) will begin accepting applications for the 2020 Impact and Capacity Grants (ICG) Initiative, focused on COVID-19 response and recovery.
The $2 million ICG Initiative provides one-year grants of up to $25,000 for nonprofits mission-aligned with KHF. Due to the urgency of responding to COVID-19 impacts, KHF is moving up the application launch date (was May 1) and will now accept applications beginning April 13 through noon CST on Friday, April 24.
Requests for funding must be submitted through KHF’s communities portal. Applicants may visit https://kansashealth.org/grant-opportunities/impactandcapacity/ to learn more, or call KHF at (316) 262-7676 and leave a message in the general mailbox requesting assistance. Please note, to submit a proposal, applicants must have previously created a user account. Those needing to create a new account can visit the communities portal and click “new user.”
The annual ICG Initiative is normally focused on making progress within KHF’s four impact areas. However, the KHF board recently repurposed the $2 million ICG funds specifically for COVID-19 response and recovery. To-date, KHF has authorized up to $11 million from existing grants to be repurposed at grantees’ discretion to provide nonprofits the flexibility and ability to respond to critical health needs during this public health emergency.
The 2020 ICG initiative is intended to support two categories of efforts:
- COVID-19 response: To assist nonprofits with response to this pandemic, and
- COVID-19 recovery: To provide core operations support for nonprofits to continue serving Kansas communities – particularly those most impacted by the COVID-19 crisis
Nonprofits receiving 2020 ICG grants will have the discretion to decide how funds would be best utilized to maintain as much organizational stability as possible, as well as maintain continuity of services. Organizations that are positioned to offer additional community support during this time of need may also apply for funding to aid in the necessary expansion of critical service delivery. Examples include, but are not limited to:
COVID-19 Response:
- Funding for critical safety-net needs for the clients of nonprofits
- Support to build and develop pandemic education and prevention strategies
- Prevention-related expenses for items such as sanitizing supplies and equipment for frontline workers
- Telehealth and remote educational support (equipment, broadband access, etc.)
- Unexpected work-from-home expenses
COVID-19 Recovery:
- Costs associated with offering services to the nonprofit’s clients in ways that reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19
- Support to stabilize critical safety-net nonprofits that provide services to vulnerable populations
- Operational funding, supplies, equipment and other program costs for organizations that are trying to minimize exposure for high-risk groups
Visit the KHF website https://kansashealth.org/grant-opportunities/impactandcapacity/ for the full Request for Proposal, Frequently Asked Questions, and funding exclusions.