Looking back, but recognizing the present

In 2019, the Kansas Health Foundation was privileged to once again work with more than 100 nonprofit organizations, school districts, municipalities and faith-based groups. These partners, year after year, form the backbone of health prevention and improvement in our state. We also recognize as we release this report, much of the world is currently focused on relief and response efforts related to the COVID-19 virus. Though this report focuses on 2019, many of the partners and grantees featured below are the same groups, led by the same individuals, who are on the frontlines of protecting their family, friends, neighbors and communities in this time of crisis. It is for these great leaders that we provide thanks for outstanding efforts in 2019 and gratitude for their courageous work now in 2020.


Matt Allen

Chair, Board of Directors

Reginald L. Robinson

President and CEO

We release this 2019 annual report amidst historic events. The COVID-19 public health crisis and tragic events that remind us of the persistence of racial injustice powerfully accentuate how critical it is for KHF to remain steadfast in our commitment “to improve the health of all Kansans.” The health, economic and social damage inflicted by the pandemic and the lingering power of systemic racism affect every individual, family, neighborhood, community and organization.

For more than three decades, KHF has focused primarily on work to prevent disease and promote healthy behaviors. We know that social determinants – including income, race/ethnicity, where people live, and their levels of educational attainment – affect health behaviors and health outcomes. Our grants to state and local organizations enable us to understand and respond to the health needs and outcomes of our most vulnerable populations, neighborhoods and communities. In 2019, KHF provided grants to more than 100 Kansas organizations, investing nearly $20 million dollars, to produce healthier and stronger communities.

Grants to these nonprofit partners help to bring communities together, leverage partnerships for systems change, and increase their organizational capacity to deliver services. Improving the health of all Kansans begins by working with communities. We know local health needs are complex, so we rely on local stakeholders and leaders to steer us toward sustainable progress.

Much of our work in 2019 focused on how to improve systems and environments to produce better health. Specifically, we have sought to increase access to care, promote healthy behaviors, spur civic/community engagement, and lift educational attainment. In addition, KHF continued core funding support to our organizational partners: The Kansas Health Institute, Kansas Leadership Center, Kansas Action for Children, Kansas Association of Community Foundations and the Kansas News Service. These institutions remain vital, helping us to understand the broader environment and to build capacity as populations shift and social factors work against positive health outcomes.

As we navigate and respond to both the loss imposed by a pandemic, and the compelling need to tackle racism, we are learning more about the fragility and inadequacies of so many of our systems. The relationships and partnerships KHF has established over the years will be even more critical to determine the best strategies for responding to our state’s urgent needs.

It is a distinct and humbling privilege and responsibility to serve as stewards of the Kansas Health Foundation’s mission and resources. We believe, with the help of long-time partners, as well as new grantees, our state can overcome the obstacles that block our collective pursuit of healthy communities.

2019 Grantmaking

It is with a great sense of responsibility each year that we determine how best to allocate our grant resources. In 2019, more than $20 million was provided to support important initiatives aligning with KHF’s four major impact areas. From supporting rural and urban safety net clinics, to strenghtening local food policy councils, some grants continued long-term efforts. In the case of activities like outreach for the 2020 Census and the creation of a bilingual early literacy resource, we identified one-time or emerging needs with direct community benefit. Regardless of the type of grant, location of the grantee or amount of support provided, each and every grant was provided with the desire to be the best stewards possible of the KHF assets.

To learn about all of this support, please click on the link below for a PDF showing all of our 2019 grantmaking.


View the Full Report

More than 100 approved grants
More than $500 million in assets at the close of 2019
22 KHF Employees
More than $20 million in qualifying distributions


Access to Care

Access to necessary behavioral, oral and general health care remains a vital need in Kansas communities. Unfortunately, nearly 1 in 7 Kansans currently lack health care coverage, limiting their options for seeking preventive treatment. KHF continues to work with partners around the state to expand Medicaid and create additional opportunities to keep Kansans healthy.

$1,232,692 Approved
32 Grants

View All Grants

Statistics on Access to Care

Whether talking about medical, oral or behavioral health, Kansas must improve access to care.

of Kansas adults age 18-64 lack health care coverage
1 in 3
Kansas adults do not have dental insurance
Kansas adults experience mental health problems every year

Healthy Behaviors

Studies show tobacco use and obesity remain the leading causes of preventable death and illness in Kansas. It’s why KHF continues to seeks ways to increase access to healthy foods, increase physical activity and reduce the use of tobacco products. Whether it’s working with local entrepreneurs to ensure towns have grocery stores, or partnering with school districts on physical education curriculum, encouraging healthy behaviors remains an important part of KHF’s work.

$2,052,010 Approved
21 Grants

View All Grants

Statistics on Healthy Behaviors

Kansans continue to engage in behaviors like smoking and eating unhealthy foods.

1 in 6
Kansas adults smoke cigarettes
of Kansans do not have reasonable access to healthy food/groceries
of Kansas adults are overweight or obese

Civic and Community Engagement

KHF recognizes individuals’ health and well-being are also influenced by where and how they live. And stronger communities also help improve the health of Kansans. However, Kansas data indicates individuals and groups that traditionally experience poor health outcomes may be less likely to participate in the election process, contact their elected officials or attend public meetings. Active, engaged community members help to shape policies, express needs and expectations, determine how resources are allocated, and elect their representatives. For this reason, KHF continues to engage at the local and state levels to create healthy communities.

$5,959,229 Approved
28 Grants

View All Grants

Statistics on Civic and Community Engagement

Elections provide a key way for Kansans to be civically engaged.

of Kansans surveyed sometimes/always vote in local elections
More than 1 million votes were cast in the most recent gubernatorial election
of eligible Kansas voters participated in the 2018 November election

Educational Attainment

A minimum of a high school diploma remains paramount for long-term life success. KHF believes that improved graduation rates will lead to healthier, stronger Kansans. Educational attainment plays a critical role in a myriad of health issues, as Kansas data indicates lower levels of education are often linked to lack of health care coverage, limited ability to pay for medical or dental treatment, higher use of tobacco products, increased obesity rates and poor health outcomes. To improve graduation rates in the long term, KHF is currently focused on improving early literacy and creating a foundation for lifetime learning.

$3,433,992 Approved
18 Grants

View All Grants

Statistics on Educational Attainment

Educational environments are prime opportunities to establish lifelong healthy habits and future success.

of Kansas 4th grade students are below proficient in reading
of Kansas public school students are eligible for free- or reduced-price lunches
of Kansas public school students graduate from high school


Against the backdrop of celebrating our grantees’ success in 2019, we also realize much of the world’s attention is currently turned toward the COVID-19 virus. While the initiatives listed below were not part of 2019, they are a small part of what our organization is doing to support organizations and communities during this pandemic. We hope to be able to feature these efforts, and hopefully have positive news about defeating this virus, in our 2020 annual report.


The Kansas Health Foundation board of directors recently approved $5.325 million in grant funding to support statewide COVID-19 efforts that provide access to health care, address food insecurity, and assist the United Way of the Plains with pandemic response.

Learn More

To help organizations, individual and communities, KHF created a multi-tab resources section specifically geared toward the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn More


Board of Directors

Matt Allen

Claudia Bakely

Mollie H. Carter

Junetta Everett

Don Hill

Jeffry L. Jack

Vice Chair/BOD Representative

Sylvia Penner

C. Patrick Woods


Investment Committee

Mollie H. Carter

Shelly Hammond

Matthew Michaelis


Lori Wright

Vice Chair

Audit Committee

Lillian Dukes

Michael Flores


Arnold Hudspeth

Shekima Smith

Vice Chair

C. Patrick Woods


Finance Committee

Junetta Everett

Don Hill

Jeffry L. Jack

Vice Chair/BOD Representative


Valerie Black

Director of Community Partnerships

Chan Brown

Director of Community Initiatives

Doug Clasen

Facilities Manager

Monique Garcia

Director of Community Relations

Kathy Lawless


Candace Malone

Community Impact Associate

Mary Poort

Executive Associate

Christopher Power

Chief Operating Officer/Vice President

Reginald L. Robinson

President and CEO

Ashley Rickard

Business Intelligence Manager

Jeff Usher

Director of Issue Mobilization

Stephen Webster

Chief Financial Officer/Vice President of Finance

Chase Willhite

Associate Vice President

Kristi Zukovich

Vice President

Guiding Principles



We will be good stewards of the resources in which we have been entrusted to address issues today, and to benefit generations to come. We are committed to the highest ethical standards in governance, administration and grantmaking.



We support and participate in activities that inform and advance effective health policy. We vow to lead by example and model the policies, practices and programs we support.



We realize we will be successful in meeting our mission when we listen to and build solid partnerships across sectors.



We understand that communities are best positioned to identify and respond to their unique health needs and believe in building community capacity and resources to address those needs.



We care about the health of all Kansans.



We seek to maintain an environment and atmosphere of diversity and inclusion – in governance, staff and partners. We honor the diverse needs, strengths, voices and backgrounds of all individuals in our state.



We believe in taking a proactive approach to grantmaking and that promoting systemic change through population-based approaches is the most effective strategy for improving health.



We pledge to be open and honest. We will highlight our successes, failures and lessons learned.

Financial Totals


Historical Average Assets ($)

Qualifying Distributions ($)

Balance Sheet

December 31, 2019

Cash and investments $497,638,585
Other assets $280,182
Land, building and equipment $12,530,229
Liabilities and Net Assets
Payables and accrued expenses $100,336
Bonds payable $0
Grants payable $19,792,889
Net Assets $490,555,771

Statement of Activity and Changes in Net Assets

Year Ended December 31, 2019

Revenue and gains
Investment income $1,285,029
Net realized and unrealized gains on investment $72,008,238
Investment management expenses ($1,756,639)
Other income $1,443,672
Program grants, net of writeoffs $16,546,521
Operating Expenses
Charitable activities and grants administration $6,323,559
Taxes and expenses $13,320
Total operating expenses $6,336,879
Increase (Decrease) in net assets $50,096,899


KHF defines health broadly, and as such, provides funding in many different areas in order to achieve our mission. However, our organization does have a list of grant exclusions, or projects for which our grant funds may not be used. These include any of the following activities:

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