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Kansas Health Foundation recognizes Deanna Van Hersh’s 23 years of service


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WICHITA, Kan. – The Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) recognizes Deanna Van Hersh, vice president for programs, for more than 23 years of service as her KHF career ends on June 11. The Board and staff are appreciative of Deanna’s many years of loyal service to the organization, focused on improving health and strengthening communities. She has worked with grantees in communities all over Kansas to improve healthy behaviors, access to care and civic engagement, and has had oversight of approximately $20 million in grants each year. Through her career with KHF, Deanna has been active with national philanthropic organizations, often participating in philanthropic learning communities and presenting on KHF grantmaking partnerships.

“I loved being a part of this organization and the exceptional opportunities to grow and learn. Every day I worked with wonderful people, in many different organizations, all focused on improving health and building stronger communities,” Van Hersh said. “I believe KHF is on an exciting and bold path for the future.”

Deanna joined the organization in 1998, and since 2017 has led KHF’s grantmaking and programmatic efforts. During her tenure, she’s held many titles, including serving as a program officer and director of program planning and evaluation. Before being promoted to her vice president position, Van Hersh served as associate vice president for programs.


About the Kansas Health Foundation

The Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) is a nonprofit organization based in Wichita but statewide in its focus. At KHF, all our work centers on our mission: to improve the health of all Kansans. As part of a new strategic framework, developed by our staff and board of directors, KHF also strives to accomplish three primary purposes: empower Kansas to lead the nation in health; eliminate the inequities that create health disparities; and, for KHF to become THE model for philanthropic impact.