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We are working to enable language changes across our entire site for our community. For now, this feature is available on this page!

Three-Part Purpose Statement


Goals and objectives. Two words that are completely woven into the fabric of corporate and organizational culture. We have those, too. The difference is, we express them as part of what we call a Three-Part Purpose Statement. Think of it like our “why.” These three purposes explain why we exist, why we come to work each day and why we believe we can make a difference.

Within each of these primary goals, we have metrics and objectives built it to let us know how we’re doing. Are we winning or losing? Are we getting closer to achieving these? But, the purpose of this page is a high-level overview what these are and how they guide our work.


Think of our Three-Part Purpose as our “why.” It’s our top goals and our greatest aspirations.

Three-Part Purpose

Going Deeper

Interested in hearing more about how we talk about our Three-Part Purpose Statement? Please take a moment and watch the video below as KHF President and CEO Ed O’Malley gives an overview of the three components and how they collectively inform our work.