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Strategy #1


We consider our six key strategies to be the “how” of our work. The strategies represent both a guide for our work and our decision making.

The first strategy is:

  • Build and support institutions that anchor the vision to lead the nation in health.

To us, there are certain or organizations that play such a key role in improving health and wellness in our state we believe KHF funding should be used annually to support them. Maybe it’s organizations that already exist and they just need more core support. Other times, as had happened on different occasions in KHF’s history, a need is so great that KHF takes the initiative to provide seed money to start an organization.


The two clearest examples in KHF history of our belief in building and supporting institutions comes in the form of the Kansas Health Institute (KHI) and the Kansas Leadership Center (KLC). In both cases, KHF funding and vision led to the creation of the organizations.

In the mid-1990s, a KHF statewide listening tour uncovered a need in the state for nonpartisan, trustworthy health data and information. This finding led directly to the startup of the Kansas Health Institute, based in Topeka. This independent organization has grown in stature over the years, and now carries both a statewide and nationwide reputation for outstanding work and research. To this day, KHF continues to support KHI with yearly funding support.

The same listening tour carried another major theme: Kansans were worried that as current community leaders moved away or stepped back from their duties, there would not be more people to fill those roles. They worried progress would stall or go backwards on issues like health if this wasn’t addressed. After years of KHF funding leadership development initiatives internally, in 2005 we announced the creation of the Kansas Leadership Center, a new independent, statewide organization that would take the mantle of leadership development for generations to come. KHF continues to support KLC, which is based in downtown Wichita.

Going Deeper

Want to learn more about how we view this strategy and how it impacts our work? Please view the video below as KHF President and CEO Ed O’Malley shares more about building and supporting institutions.