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Don Hill

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Don Hill joined the Kansas Health Foundation Board of Directors in 2018.

Hill is a fourth generation Kansan, attended Kansas State University and is a graduate of the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy. He served his country, both on active duty and as a reservist in the military, until 1980. He is an active member of the Emporia community, as a pharmacy business owner and community leader. Hill served on several boards, including the Emporia Chamber of Commerce, National Teachers Hall of Fame, Emporia Arts Council and Leadership Kansas. He was elected as the 60th District Representative to the Kansas House of Representatives in 2002, serving 14 years. Most recently, he acted as a government relations liaison for various groups.

Hill has received many honors for his work, including the highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award, from the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy. He was also named Kansas Pharmacist of the Year in 2003, and recognized nationally by his peers in 1989. He and his wife Robbie, a retired public school educator/counselor, still reside in Emporia.