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Sarah Jane Crespo

Events and Engagement Manager

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Looking forward to what's coming!

Sarah Jane Crespo joined the Kansas Health Foundation in August 2023 and currently serves as events and engagement manager.

In this role, Crespo will lead KHF’s efforts to gather and convene a variety of stakeholders for the purpose of deeper discussions about the health, well-being and empowerment of Kansans.

Prior to joining KHF, Crespo was the director of community engagement at KMUW – Wichita Public Radio. She built the department from the ground up and produced hundreds of events and convenings during her time at KMUW. She is also a writer and has had many profiles and cover stories featured in local magazines. Crespo has won numerous awards for her work in engagement and content from the Kansas Association of Broadcasters, as well as a first place national award in 2022 from the Public Media Journalists Association.

Additionally, Crespo was instrumental in rolling out StoryCorps’ One Small Step project in the Wichita area in 2020 and continues facilitating these powerful civic healing conversations.

Crespo is a graduate of Wichita State University, earning a degree from WSU’s Elliott School of Communication.


Sarah Jane Crespo joined the Kansas Health Foundation in August 2023 and currently serves as events and engagement manager.

“The first step to Kansas leading the nation in health is to change the stories we tell about ourselves and about our state.”

–Sarah Jane Crespo, KHF Events and Engagement Manager