Kansas Innovation Fund


Are you a visionary, a problem solver, or someone who is passionate about creating positive change in your community? Is your organization open to exploring new strategies and taking bold steps toward innovation? Have you come across ideas or projects from community members, youth or nonprofit staff that you are eager to implement but lack the necessary resources? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we invite you to consider applying for the Kansas Innovation Fund.

KHF will provide up to $5,000 for each approved idea/project. Our goal is to provide a funding opportunity for nonprofits looking to explore new strategies to solve complex issues.

How the opportunity works

To enable eligible Kansas nonprofits to test innovative ideas to address health and health equity, KHF is providing mini grants of up to $5,000. The mini grants will support a range of ideas from different sectors that address the underlying factors causing poor health outcomes and health disparities.

This opportunity is available year-round and there isn’t an end date for submitting applications. Any eligible 501(c)(3) organization, government entity, or church in Kansas–classified as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and not a “supporting organization” described in Section 509(a)(3), and not a “private foundation” as defined in Section 509(a)–may submit projects.

Applications will be reviewed monthly, and funding decisions will be made within a 12-week period. If your organization receives a mini grant, you will receive an agreement so you can start implementation right away. If a project isn’t funded, you are welcome to submit other ideas.

Criteria for Grant Selection

Does your funding request:

  • Make it possible for more Kansans to have the opportunity to live a healthy life, or improve overall health?
  • Propose a new and innovative project for your organization?
  • Benefit Kansans or Kansas communities?

Examples of possible submission ideas

The list of possible ideas is endless, but to help organizations as they consider their applications, here are a few ideas to help during the brainstorming phase:

  • An inner-city church uses funds to host a workshop educating local residents about the pitfalls of payday lending and title loans.
  • An elementary school working with a pediatric therapy group uses funds to create/retrofit a space where children experiencing anxiety can deescalate conflict.
  • A nonprofit struggling with yearly fundraising uses grant dollars to learn more about creating a social enterprise model for sustainability.

How to apply

To apply, please scroll down on this page and complete the application form. Before you begin completing the form, please note the following:

  • The application cannot be saved once started, so we recommend preparing a word document in advance for offline reference.
  • You will be asked to upload a copy of your IRS determination letter.  Please have it ready prior to entering your application information.
  • Beware of timing out of the form. Once you begin a form submission, the form “times out” after three (3) hours if not submitted.
  • You must have the contact information of a legally authorized signatory (such as a CEO, President, Executive Director, School Principal or School District Superintendent) ready and available.

When the application form is complete, please hit the “Submit” button. You will receive a confirmation after submission.  If you have questions, please contact applications@khf.org.


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