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We are working to enable language changes across our entire site for our community. For now, this feature is available on this page!

KHF COVID-19 Response: Flexibility for grantees, change in ICG focus 

In our effort to provide maximum support to our grantees as they work to respond to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, we are offering a range administrative relief and increased flexibility that we hope will be meaningful for them during this challenging time.

March 30, 2020

Kansas food policy councils to benefit from KHF support 

The Kansas Health Foundation is awarding $750,000 to KC Healthy Kids to help establish local, regional and state food policy councils to further improve access and consumption of healthy food and beverages across the state. KC Healthy Kids will assume responsibility for the Kansas Alliance for Wellness (KAW), which is focused on providing food policy training and technical assistance to local communities.

January 27, 2020