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Blog Policy

Uniting Voices, Data and Action for Policy Change

Uniting Voices, Data and Action fo...

Action is the driving force behind FuseKS, an annual event by the Kansas Health Foundation to convene advocates, funders, policy implementors and policymakers to enact policy changes that improve the health of all Kansans

Jazmine Rogers



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Blog Strategy

Advice on Building Strong (Professional) Relationships

Advice on Building Strong (Profess...

Building relationships is essential for any organization to make progress.

Jeff Usher



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Blog Equity

Our Commitment to Eliminating Health Inequities

Our Commitment to Eliminating Heal...

At Kansas Health Foundation, we know that the health of one affects the health of all, and we are committed to eliminating the inequities that cause the greatest health disparities in our state.

Valerie Black



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Blog Strategy

Nonprofit Budget Planning Best Practices

Nonprofit Budget Planning Best Pra...

For nonprofit organizations, the start of the year is a critical planning period, including for planning a budget.

Stephen Webster



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Blog Strategy

New Hope, Shared Scope

New Hope, Shared Scope

What does it really mean to make a resolution? How can anyone resolve to live their absolute best when this is not a world of absolutes, but of gradation? How can anyone stand so firmly in their resolve when we are all standing here, together?

Sarah Jane Crespo



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Blog Civic Life

In Defense of Darkness

In Defense of Darkness

During the shorter days of winter, it’s easy to reject the darkness. What if that feeling was reframed? What is we used these times of darkness for thought and reflection?

Sarah Jane Crespo



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Blog Hunger

Shining a light on hunger this holiday season

Shining a light on hunger this hol...

Lindsay Wilke, KHF Issue Mobilization Manager, reminds us as we celebrate this holiday season, we also shouldn’t forget about those Kansans struggling with food insecurity.

Lindsay Wilke



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Blog Civic Life

Participating in Civic Life: Individuals and Groups

Participating in Civic Life: Indiv...

Drew Wilburne, KHF Director of Civic Life and Policy, explores the history of civic participation and why it’s so critical that we all participate in the civic process in today’s society.

Drew Wilburne



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Blog People

Bridges in the Forest

Bridges in the Forest

Our common good isn’t mythological. It simply requires more of us taking the time to see the forest and the trees.

Sarah Jane Crespo



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