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Robinson named president and CEO of Kansas Health Foundation 

Reginald L. Robinson has been named president and CEO of the Kansas Health Foundation (KHF), a statewide philanthropy based in Wichita. His appointment is effective Dec. 1, 2019. Robinson currently serves as Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs at the University of Kansas.

September 27, 2019

KHF awards health improvement grants to 17 organizations 

The Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) has awarded more than $362,000 to 17 organizations across the state in an effort to build capacity to reduce health disparities through its Impact and Capacity Grants (ICG) Initiative.

August 8, 2019

Lennen to serve as Interim CEO following Coen retirement 

Michael Lennen, former Kansas Health Foundation Board Chair, will serve as interim CEO when Steve Coen retires July 31.

July 17, 2019