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Jeff Usher

Senior Advisor

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Amazing work!

Thanks for your commitment.

Looking forward to what's coming!

Jeff A. Usher joined KHF in 1998 and currently serves as Senior Advisor.

Our longest tenured employee, Usher spent more than 20 years as a KHF Program Officer, leading some of the largest commitments in KHF history. These included the founding of the Kansas Leadership Center, the development of the Giving Resources to Our World (GROW) community foundation effort and many of KHF’s initiatives in nutrition and physical activity.

Usher was also at the forefront of KHF’s strategy of tackling major health issues one at a time. He served as Director of Issue Mobilization during the selection of hunger/food insecurity as our first issue under this strategy.

Today, Usher continues to work on the major health challenges facing Kansas. And, all of KHF and its partners benefit from his years of experience and wisdom.

An avid cyclist, Usher grew up in Salina, Kan.

Jeff A. Usher joined KHF in 1998 and currently serves as Director of Issue Mobilization.

“Making sustainable change is a lot like a long bike ride. It’s hard while you’re doing it, it may feel like you’ll never get finished, but once you’re done, you’ll feel incredible.”

–Jeff Usher, KHF Director of Issue Mobilization