We hope you’re enjoying the new KHF website!

We are working to enable language changes across our entire site for our community. For now, this feature is available on this page!

Policies and Statements


We believe it’s important to be transparent in our work, just as it is in our operations. Below, you’ll see several statements and policies we feel are paramount to our mission, and also to instill trust with all who may partner with us.

Privacy Policy

Kansas Health Foundation respects your privacy and is committed to protecting any personally identifiable information that you provide to us. Except as indicated below, Kansas Health Foundation will never sell, rent or share your personally-identifiable information without your consent. For more information, please read the full KHF Privacy Policy.

Whistleblower Policy

The Foundation is the beneficiary of a public trust – to use its resources (financial assets, staff, time, expertise) effectively and efficiently to accomplish its mission. As such, the Foundation and its board and staff, must comply with all government laws and regulations, must act in an ethical manner and must implement and then follow its own policies and procedures. Such policies and procedures should represent the pinnacle of sound business and fiduciary standards. For more information, please read the full KHF Whistleblower Policy.

Conflict of Interest Policy

The Kansas Health Foundation Conflict of Interest Policy applies to all staff members, members of the Board of Directors, officers and committee members. In connection with their service in such capacities, these individuals must exercise particular care that no detriment to the interests of KHF or appearance of such detriment, may result from a conflict between KHF’s interests and the individual interests of the Covered Person. For more information, please read the full KHF Conflict of Interest Policy.
