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We are working to enable language changes across our entire site for our community. For now, this feature is available on this page!

Purpose Statement #3


Every successful organization has to know its “why.” Our “why” is demonstrated through our three-part purpose statement. Everything we do comes back to these statements, which represent our greatest aspirations and highest goals.

The third component of this purpose is:

  • For KHF to become THE model for philanthropic impact.

Thousands of philanthropic organizations exist in the U.S. We want to lead the way in utilizing our resources to make the greatest impact for the greatest number of people. If we’re going to lead the nation in health, it won’t be by simply taking the “best practices” from around the nation and just bringing them to Kansas. Instead of just taking “best practices,” we need to be the organization, and to live in the state, that invents the “next practices.”

Going Deeper

Want to learn more about how we view this part of the purpose statement and how it impacts our work? Please view the video below as KHF President and CEO Ed O’Malley shares more about why we need to be THE model for philanthropic impact.

We can’t just copy the “best practices.” We have to be a place that invents the “next practices.”