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We are working to enable language changes across our entire site for our community. For now, this feature is available on this page!

Six Key Strategies


If our three-part purpose statement represents our “why,” our six key strategies represent our “how.” We believe if we work effectively and make disciplined decisions to structure our work around these six strategies, we will see progress on the health of Kansans.

As we consider any applications or requests for funding or partnering, we go back to these strategies. Does the request fall into one of these categories? We also consider these as we proactively or strategically make decisions. It’s common inside our office that if someone has an idea, they need to immediately follow it up by saying how it connects to one of these six strategies.

Six Key Strategies

If our three-part purpose statement represents our “why,” our six key strategies represent our “how.”

Going Deeper

Interested in hearing more about these strategies? Please take a moment to watch the video below, in which Ed O’Malley, KHF President and CEO, dives deeper into what we mean by each strategy and talks about how the strategies align with our purpose statements.