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Strategy #2


We consider our six key strategies to be the “how” of our work. The strategies represent both a guide for our work and our decision making.

The second strategy is:

  • Building the power and influence of partners working closest to the communities with the greatest health disparities.

We talk a lot at KHF about health disparities. A mention of health disparities is even in the second part of our three-part purpose statement. At its root, this means for different sub-sets of Kansans, health outcomes are different, not because of choices, but because of systemic factors. We want to eliminate those factors and “level the playing field” so the outcomes that come at the end are based on those individual or family choices.

To do that, we work with and provide funding for organizations that are deeply embedded in these communities. These organizations have the expertise and skills, combined with the trust of their communities, to do great work.


The biggest manifestation of this strategy in our current work is through the Building Power and Equity Partnership (BPEP) initiative. This initiative is a 10-year, $30 million commitment to 30 organizations in Kansas. Each of these organizations works directly with a population (or multiple populations) experiencing some of the greatest health disparities. By partnering with these organizations, and helping to build their power and influence, we believe real change can happen in terms of health outcomes.

Going Deeper

Want to learn more about how we view this strategy and how it impacts our work? Please view the video below as KHF President and CEO Ed O’Malley shares more about building power and influence of these partners.