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Strategy #3


We consider our six key strategies to be the “how” of our work. The strategies represent both a guide for our work and our decision making.

The third strategy is: Mobilizing Kansans in authority roles to dismantle inequities that lead to health disparities.

Authority isn’t everything. We join with our partners at the Kansas Leadership Center in believing leadership is an activity, not a position. But, authority does play a role in community change. Authority has its place in the ecosystem. A state governor. A business executive. A nonprofit executive director. There is inherent power and influence in these roles.

Positive change will happen when all Kansans believe they play a role in health outcomes. Given their positions, those in authority can have an even bigger impact.


This strategy cuts across so much of our work. It might be convenings, which bring people together to talk about the major issues. It might be through our tackling of major health challenges, which normally draws a larger amount of attention on higher-profile issues. Our policy work brings us into contact with elected officials at the local, state and federal level. Our early efforts in impact investing have naturally led to many more meetings with business professionals in the private sector.

Going Deeper

Want to learn more about how we view this strategy and how it impacts our work? Please view the video below as KHF President and CEO Ed O’Malley shares more about building and supporting institutions.