We hope you’re enjoying the new KHF website!

We are working to enable language changes across our entire site for our community. For now, this feature is available on this page!

Request a Sponsorship

Beyond grantmaking, KHF is constantly looking for ways to further support the communities, organizations, schools, churches and people of Kansas. Each year, we have a limited amount of funding available to sponsor events, efforts or initiatives.

If you’d like to apply for sponsorship support from KHF, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Within 30 days, you will hear back from us about whether or not we’re able to provide support at this time.

A few notes about our decision making:

  • The earlier you apply for funding, the better. If you have an event in mid-May, and the form isn’t submitted until late April, it makes it very difficult to turn around an approval in time.
  • We often look for opportunities in communities that may not always be represented in our grantmaking. That means rural communities and communities in parts of the state far away from Wichita are encouraged to apply.
  • Preference is given to events and efforts celebrating the rich cultural and ethnic heritage of Kansas communities.
  • We will also evaluate submissions based on how well they fit into our strategic framework.

If you have any difficulty filling out the form below, please contact Roman Galloway, communication associate, at rgalloway@khf.org.