Una combinación de la palabra censo, y la palabra lotería. Lotería es un juego de mesa mexicano muy popular, y se juega de una manera similar al bingo. Cuando una persona gana una ronda de lotería, el ganador grita “lotería” en vez de “bingo”. Por medio de la combinación de las palabras ‘censo’ y ‘lotería’ creamos la palabra ‘Censotería’, para animar a la gente a completar su censo 2020.
What is Censotería?
The word ‘censo’ in Spanish means ‘census’ and the word ‘loteria’ in Spanish means ‘lottery’. There’s a very popular Mexican board game called ‘loteria’ and it’s similar to how the game bingo is played. When a person wins a loteria game, the winners shouts “loteria” (instead of ‘bingo’ as it would be in English). Through a combination of the words ‘censo’ and ‘loteria’ we get the word ‘Censotería’, and also created a new twist for the beloved board game ‘loteria’, to encourage people to complete their 2020 Census.
Paso 1: Visita www.kansashealth.org/censoteria para descargar tu tabla de loteria. La tabla es tu carta de loteria. Hayi 30 tablas diferentes para escoger. Si no tienes acceso a una impresora, no hay problema. Puedes ir al final de esta página y escoger una tabla, y poner atención a las imágenes que se anuncian. O mandanos un mensaje al 620-789-1116 para mandarte por correo tu tabla
Paso 3: Ten listo entre 15-20 frijolitos, tapas de botella, piedritas o lo que tengas a la mano, ya que las utilizaras para poner sobre las imagenes en tu tabla que ya se han anunciado.
Paso 4: Una vez que estes en el juego de loteria en Facebook, tienes que esta listo, el griton (la persona que anuncia las cartas) gritara las cartas una a una, tienes que buscar la imagen en tu tabla, y poner una ficha en la foto que corresponda en tu tabla.
Paso 5: Si tu eres el primero en llenar tu tabla completamente, tu eres el ganador! Tienes que ir a los comentaros rapidamente y escribir “Yo cuento” o ‘I count”
Paso 6: Durante el evento, puedes escribir tus preguntas o comentarios sobre el #CENSO2020 en el area de comentarios en Facebook. Estamos aqui para ayudarte, aun mas importante, les pedimos a todos los que jueguen loteria con nosotros que por favor completen su censo. Yo cuento, tu cuentas, todos contamos!
Paso 7: Preparate para divertirte, aprende la importancia del #censo2020 para tu comunidad mientras ganas premios!
How can I play Censotería?
To join the fun, just follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to www.kansashealth.org/censoteria to download your very own censoteria tabla. A ‘tabla’ is the censoteria game card that resembles a bingo card with lots of images scattered randomly on each tabla (or game card). There are over 30 tablas to choose from, so visit the Kansas Health Foundation web site to get started! (If you have access to a printer, please download your tabla(s) of choice. If you don’t have a printer, that’s ok! You can still choose your tabla from the web site and just keep track of what images that are called out.
Step 3: Wash your hands! As we continue to try and prevent the corona virus, let’s keep washing hands and keep safe distances from others. Plus, we’ll be handling small items such as uncooked pinto beans to cover the tablas.
Step 4: Gather about 15-20 uncooked pinto beans, beads or water bottle caps so you can place these items over your tabla once the game caller begins calling out the images
Step 5: Once you log onto the Censotería Facebook Live event, get ready to watch the Censotería card caller to find out if your card is chosen! Each player will have time to find the image on their tabla, so that you can place an uncooked pinto bean on your tabla!
Step 6: When the Censotería card caller chooses the cards, place an uncooked pinto bean, bead or whatever you can to fill the card if and when the images on your card (tabla) are called. Once your entire tabla is filled, then you are the game winner! Make sure you quickly type into the Facebook Live comment section the following words: “Yo cuento!” or “I count!” . A person is the game winner if they are the first player to fill their entire card!
Step 7: During the Censotería game, while you continue to be on Facebook Live for the event, feel free to type out questions or comments that you’d like to ask about #2020Census! We are here to help answer questions. Most importantly, we ask each person who plays Censotería, if they have completed their #2020Censo already! You count, I count, we all count!
Step 8: Get ready to have some fun, learn about the importance of #2020Census and perhaps win a prize!
Descargue su copia de tablas
Listo para jugar lotería con nosotros? Comencemos! hemos incluido más de 30 tablas de las que puedes escoger. Simplemente selecciona uno de los enlaces que siguen para que descargues tu propia tabla! Y recuerda que puede seleccionar más de una tabla, simplemente tienes que estar alerto a cuando llamen las imágenes! El ganador puede escribir en el area de comentarios, “Yo Cuento!”.
Downloadable Cards
Ready to play censoteria with us? Then let’s get started! We have included over 30 censoteria game boards (or ‘tablas’) for you to choose from. Simply click onto any of the web links below to download and print your own tabla! Each player can have more than one tabla, but you’ll just have to keep track of the images that are called to mark your board, either with a bead, uncooked pinto bean or whatever can help you mark your board! And remember, the first person whose Censotería game card (or ‘tabla’) is completely covered, they are the game winner! The winner is supposed to quickly type in the La Mexicana Facebook comment section: “Yo Cuento!” or “I count!”.
¿Quieres mantenerte en contacto y recibir actualizaciones para nuevos eventos? Contacta con Monique Garcia en mgarcia@khf.org.
More Information
Want to know about future Censotería games? Please contact Monique Garcia at mgarcia@khf.org.
Censotería games are made possible through a partnership by Kansas Appleseed, El Centro, Kansas Health Foundation, the United States Census Bureau, La Mexicana Radio, City of Dodge City and the Kansas Hispanic and Latino American Affairs Commission.
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