The Kansas Health Foundation is committed to improving the health of all Kansans, and one of our key focus areas is to promote healthy behaviors, which includes decreasing tobacco use and exposure. On this page you will find information regarding the Foundation’s Supporting Tobacco Free Campuses Initiative, which will use a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to fund institutions of higher education to support planning for and implementation of, policy strategies that strengthen wellness and create a comprehensive tobacco-free environment. We invite you to please read the information contained on this page, which includes the actual RFP document, proposal templates and online proposal link. Please note, all applications must be submitted by February 15, 2017.
Please contact Carolyn Williams, Kansas Health Foundation Senior Program Officer, with any questions at 316-491-8420 or
Within the RFP you will find information about the background and structure for the Supporting Tobacco Free Campuses Initiative. Additionally, the document goes into detail about the eligibility guidelines and how to apply. The RFP document is available via the following link:
For your convenience, we have included a downloadable template of the Supporting Tobacco-Free Campuses Proposal containing the information you will be asked to complete on our online proposal form (described in more detail below). However, please keep in mind that the official submission of your proposal must be done through our online module. The following templates will need to be completed and attached to the online proposal:
To confirm your ability to accept a grant from the Foundation, please review the Grant Agreement template, sign and submit the Acknowledgement of Agreement Review with the online proposal.
How does a college or university apply?
Complete the online proposal form provided in the link below:
If you are returning to a saved proposal, please access the Sign In page.
If you have programmatic questions, please contact Carolyn Williams, Kansas Health Foundation Senior Program Officer, at 316-491-8420 or
If you have questions regarding the online proposal process, please contact Gina Hess, Kansas Health Foundation Grants Associate, at 316-491-8411 or
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