While significant health improvements have been achieved through medicine and public health, individuals’ health and well being are also influenced by where and how they live, and the unfortunate reality is that tremendous differences in health outcomes still remain for many underserved groups and communities. Moreover, while tremendous progress has been made in ensuring that all citizens are able to participate in the democratic process, disparities in voter registration and voter turnout mirror health disparities in Kansas. Increased health equity and improvement in health outcomes for all populations depend on a robust and vibrant democracy as health and civic disparities are intrinsically linked. The success of factors that contribute to improved health outcomes such as community-level prevention efforts, access to high quality health care, access to healthy food, and safe physical environments is reliant on how policies are shaped and resources are allocated. Therefore it is critical that an engaged electorate be part of the decision-making process, have their voice heard and their vote counted, especially those populations with the worst health outcomes and greatest barriers to accessing care.
On this page, you will find information regarding the Kansas Integrated Voter Engagement Initiative: Health Depends on a Vibrant Democracy Request for Proposal (RFP), which seeks to fund up to ten organizations to incorporate year-round, non-partisan Integrated Voter Engagement (IVE) into existing health equity work with the goals of increasing voter registration and turnout in state, national and local elections during the course of the grant period as well as ensuring that communities and individuals participate in the processes of democracy in-between elections.
To assist organizations wanting to apply for this grant program, a series of informational meetings were held across the state. A recording of the August 11 informational meeting in Wichita is below.
The RFP provides information regarding eligibility, guidelines, proposal process and timeline. In addition, the RFP document includes several required attachments that applicants are required to submit along with their proposal. The RFP document is available via the following link:
Integrated Voter Engagement RFP
Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 7, 2017, and must be submitted using the online proposal form provided at the bottom of this page. The following templates will need to be completed and attached to the online proposal:
Budget and Justification Template
Proposal Objectives Template
Acknowledgement of Agreement Review
The following document provides suggestions regarding development of SMART Objectives:
To confirm your ability to accept a grant from KHF, please review the Grant Agreement template below, sign and submit the Acknowledgement of Agreement Review with the online proposal. (Do not modify and/or submit the agreement template with your proposal.)
Integrated Voter Engagement Grant Agreement Template
How does your organization apply?
Complete the online proposal form provided in the link below:
Integrated Voter Engagement RFP – Online Proposal
If you are returning to a saved form, please access the Sign In page.
Once your proposal is submitted, you will receive immediate notification from KHF confirming receipt. If you do not receive immediate notification confirming receipt of your application, or if you have questions regarding the online proposal process, please contact Gina Hess, Kansas Health Foundation Grants Associate, at (316) 491-8411 or ghess@khf.org.
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